签证•时差•飞行哩数/ Visa Difference Mileage

Trình bày: 

Lâm Nhất Phong

签证一次一次提醒你 世界不是你的家
暗地向往到处留情 只是个讽刺
独自踱步在陌生城市 仰望褪色的铜像
From JFK to Heathrow
知道的越来越多 记得的越来越少
From Narita to Charles de Gaulle
决定得越来越晚 放弃得越来越早
I don’t know where to go
I don’t know where to go
Anyway I will never be the same again
天涯海角 无处可逃
里数无声无色的累积 日换星移没痕迹
追得到朝夕 追不回消失的记忆
From London to New York
新鲜的越来越多 留恋的越来越少
From Paris to Tokyo
版图越来越大 世界越来越小
I don’t know where to go
I don’t know where to go
Anyway I will never be the same again
天涯海角 谁能预料
(歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)
Now come on, come on
Why don’t you sit by my side
You got nowhere to hide
Oh come on, come on
We all got nothing to lose, really nothing but time
I don’t know where it goes
I don’t know where it goes
Anyway I will never be the same again
明天醒来 一切不再

Thể loại:  Hoa Ngữ,  Hong Kong

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