Fly high

Trình bày: 

Ayumi Hamasaki

Forever unable to leave this place
Only because here there's a scenery that i'm familiar with

If one day i were to return here again
Using the same eyes to gaze at the same sky
Will i still feel that it is just as beautiful ?
Maybe i am thinking too much
i should go sleep and talk about it tomorrow

The step that is unable to be taken because of cowardice
As time goes by
Unconsciouly it becomes a long road
It feels like everything is too late
Slowly , i realise that the place i am in now is not too
bad either
i found myself a few good excuses

To tell the truth , i have never understood
but i acted like i knew everything

Forever unable to leave this place
Only because here there's a scenery that i'm familiar with

All the feelings are so small it's not worth mentioning
It seems like it is just a slight brush
or maybe it is because the sky that you see when you raise
your head is too wide and endless
or maybe it is because i wish to stay by your side

even though it cannot be anymore clear in my head
but those strangers who brush by your shoulders
are still making me to look back with envy

Longing for something that you don't have
how long do you want to continue wishing for it ?
When i begin to understand that feeling like this
started from the time i met you.

Everything is in these pair of hands
Dreams cannot just be thrown here
Everything is in these pair of hands
Denying the pre-arranged future

Everything is in these pair of hands
If there is not action , how can there be movement ?
Everything is in these pair of hands
If you dont take the first step , how can there be a
beginning ?

Thể loại:  Nhật Bản,  Pop / Ballad

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