
在這美麗的夜裡 等你等到我心碎
zai zhe me li de ye li deng ni deng dao wo xin sui
On this beautiful night, my heart breaks from waiting for you
怎麼不見舊愛侶 問問為何我空虛
zhe me bu jian jiu ai lu wen wen wei he wo kong xu
If I don't see my old lover, it will make me feel empty
是我錯失的字句 把你傷透我不對
shi wo cuo shi de zhi ju ba ni xiang tou wo bu dui
It's my mistake, my wrong words that hurt you, I'm sorry
今晚請你念過去 來將心窩佔據
jin wan qing ni nian guo qu lai zhuang xin wo tian ju
Tonight, please forget it, and open up your heart again
讓我繼續等下去 等你等到我心碎
rang wo ji xu deng xia qu deng ni deng dao wo xin sui
Allow me to keep waiting, my heart breaks from waiting for you
星星今晚伴我醉 就像同情我空虛
xing xing jin wan ban wo zui jiu xiang tong qing wo kong xu
Tonight the stars accompany my drunken state, as if they sympathize with my emptiness
又再雨中等你 痴痴的我已心碎
you zai yu zhong deng ni chi chi de wo yi xin sui
Once again I wait for you in the rain, silly me, I am already heart broken
眼眶的雨漸引退 人消失風裡去
yan kuang de yu zan yin tui ren xiao zhi feng li qu
The rain is in my eyes, people disappear in the wind
等你等你等你 一世一世等你
deng ni deng ni deng ni yi shi yi shi deng ni
waiting waiting waiting for you, my whole life waiting
wo zhen de zhen de bu yuan she qi
i really really dont want to give up
hen xiang dang tian de yi qie neng hui wei
really want the memories from that day to return
想你想你苦痛 等你等到心痛
xiang ni xiang ni ku tong deng ni deng dao xin tong
thinking thinking of your pain, waiting for you until my heart hurts
wu qing de bei feng zhang wo cui song
the pitiless north wind blows me away
gu gu dan dan de wo you dian dong
the lonely me feels a bit cold
在這冷漠的夜裡 等你等到我心碎
zai zhe leng mo de ye li deng ni deng dao wo xin sui
On this cold night, my heart breaks from waiting for you
始終不見舊愛侶 寂寞別愁各一堆
zhong yu bu jian jiu qing lu ji mo bie qiu ge yi dui
never end up seeing an old lover, I become lonely
是我錯失的字句 把你傷透我不對
shi wo cuo shi de zhi ju ba ni xiang tou wo bu dui
It's my mistake, my wrong words that hurt you, I'm sorry
今晚請你念過去 來將心窩佔據
jin wan qing ni nian guo qu lai zhuang xin wo tian ju
Tonight, please forget it, and open up your heart again.

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